The overwhelming fear of Surgical appointments can be a common cause of anxiety. Those that present to Dr. Grays office are very often surprised by how well their appointment went. Your comfort, relaxation and happiness are embedded deep at the heart of our practice model. Midland Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is prepared to do whatever is needed to reduce anxiety, allay fears and provide painless, quick treatments.
Most patients present with fears such as:
Fear of embarrassment about the condition of teeth.
Fear of gagging.
Fear of injections.
Fear of loss of control.
Fear of not becoming numb when injected with Local anesthesia.
Fear of pain.
Fear of the surgeon as a person.
Fear of the surgical drill.
Minimally invasive options are becoming more common in Oral & Maxillofacial surgery and are employed in this office. Dr. Gray offers a variety of options Sedation options to meet your needs and pocketbook.
How can one overcome anxiety?
Dental anxiety and fear can become completely overwhelming. It is estimated that as many as 35 million people do not visit the dental office at all because they are too afraid.
Here are some tips to help reduce dental fear and anxiety:
Talk to Dr. Gray – The Surgeon is not a mind reader. Though it can be hard to talk about irrational fears with a stranger, Dr. Gray can take extra precautions during visits if fears and anxiety are communicated.
Bring a portable music player – Music acts as a relaxant and also drowns out any fear-producing noises. Listening to calming music throughout the appointment will help to reduce anxiety.
Sedation – If coping is not going to cut it, sedation offers an excellent option for many people. There are several types of sedation, but the general premise behind them is the same: the patient regains their faculties after treatment is complete.
If you have questions or concerns about how the dentist can help you overcome anxiety and fear, please contact the office.